Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Motivate Equality

I'm lying in my bed. 

Out my window I can see my beautiful palm tree. I'm sure God planted it there just for me. I see the sun beating down through the glass, and I can feel the wind breezing through the opening. 

I'm not working today. I've been working everyday lately, and I was beginning to wear myself down. I'm juggling at least half a dozen projects, and I feel like someone approaches me with a new great idea, every other day. They're all good, but I hve to remind myself that I can only do so much. I have to be selective with what i'm working on if I want to contribute my full potential. 

When I met Sajdah and Chanel last October, I really liked the message that they were sharing. Some of you might know them as the couple from The Real L Word (Season 2). Sajdah decided to hold a charity basketball game, with Chanel's help. My friends Kacy and Cori were going to be in it, so they asked me to play. 

I was only around Sajdah for an hour or so. We might have shared a maximum of five minutes conversation, but life is a funny thing, and  it plays out the way it wants to. 

Over the next year, somehow Sajdah and I became friends. Most of it was online. When I went home last winter, Tennessee was discussing the "Don't Say Gay" bill. My mother and I drove two hours to Nashville to protest. When we arrived, Sajdah and I were communicating back and forth via phone and she asked me to send her some footage for her non-profit. It's called Motivate Equality. 

Two words. 


  1. Provide (someone) with a motive for doing something.
  2. Stimulate (someone's) interest in or enthusiasm for doing something


  1. The state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities.
  2. The condition of being equal in number or amount.

The tagline for her company is "Motivate ESince I've known Sajdah, I've realized one thing. She has a vision. She has the ability to inspire, and that is what drives her. She is a lot like me in the sense that I feel much more accomplished when I'm helping others than when I'm helping myself. 

Before I moved back to Los Angeles, Saj and I spoke briefly about M.E, and why it was her passion. She said something to me last night that cleared it all up. In a skit, or post, or event… I don't remember which one… She said someone asked "Mother Teresa" why she was never at an anti-war rally. Her response was "because I'm pro-peace. If we are all pro-peace, there won't be any wars to rally against."

My mind was blown. That's it. We shouldn't have to fight hate. We shouldn't have to protest stupid laws, or bullying. We shouldn't be standing on opposite sides of a picket line, because we should all realize that we're equal. I'm not different from Sajdah. You're not different from me. Ghandi, Obama, Oprah, Romney, Hitler…. Whether you like or dislike them, the truth is they're all human. (Well I question that statement about Hitler. I'm still convinced he was possessed.) What I'm getting at is we're all human. Instead of dividing that into groups of people supporting different facets of life, who don't we all support the equality within life? If we all approach life in this manner,  and teach others that i'm not "significant because I'm a lesbian" or "more proud to be black" or "better because I'm Christian" then we will begin to see that the ground we all walk on is the same for everyone. The air that we breath is all the same. Don't get me wrong. I'm proud to be a lesbian. I've struggled too much not to embrace it. But that's what I am. It's not who I am. 

I am kind hearted and old-souled. I am an advocate for children's rights. I am my father's last born. I am my mother's pride. I am an acoustic music enthusiast. I love adventure. I live as if every moment is being recorded onto a page. I like to give hugs. My favorite thing is making people smile. I am a little bit outside of the box. The box that I don't believe ought to exist. In fact. As often as I can, I jump out of that box and pack up other peoples problems, just so I can give them a break with that weight off their shoulders. 

I just happen to be a lesbian. 

Saj and Chanel joined me two nights ago in Hollywood. We went Salsa dancing. We were joined by 7 or 8 people from my internship. A majority of the people in the club were hispanic or latino. I was clearly not in my element, but I danced around the room high fiving people, and explaining that I couldn't dance to save my life. I had at least 6 people attempt to show me how, guys and girls. What I realized as I left the club that night, is I can stand anywhere. Being unique is wonderful, but were all still the same. Everyone knows what it's like to be judged. Everyone knows the pain of loss and rejection. We are all alike in that way as well. Why not do what we can within our power to strip that away from life, and help our children not make the mistakes of previous generations? 

I love each and every one of you. You inspire me everyday. 

Please email me, tweet me, instagram me. I love hearing from you!

Remember M.E.

 I'm Tennessee.

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