Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I Hope That She Knows

I hope she knows that we see her. 
We, the masses, standing two steps to the left, but evenly by her side,
 Out of the corner of our eye, we see her. 

And we understand that she is learning, as we all are, 
She is trying to fill her life with meaning.
There's no meaning otherwise.

And I know that she cries when she feels broken, 
Tries to hold it in unspoken, but we hear her.
Because a heart like that beats loudly. 
It drowns out the sounds of sadness, 
And screams out into the the air of missed opportunities.
"Just try me" it says.

A heart like that beats 90 to nothing 
- stopping at nothing short of greatness.
All she wants is a taste of how forever feels.

I hope that she knows that she's the light when the night rolls in. 
The voice that we hear when we're unsure of our fears and our dreams.  
She's the one who shows us the goals that we want to reach, 
and each one of us is grateful. 

And even in the silence, when no one bats an eyelid, 
We know we're not alone, because her soul is far too strong.
And she is love - we know this.
If only she knew. 

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